
Sermons from 2022

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November 20, 2022

Come and See

Speaker: Tim Paulding Series: The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe Topic: Call to Discipleship Passage: John 1:43–51, John 1:35–51

November 13, 2022

Pictures of the Gospel (Part 2): The Lord's Table

Speaker: Tim Paulding Series: Pictures of the Gospel (The Ordinances of the Church) Topic: Communion Passage: 1 Corinthians 11:23–26, Luke 22:7–23

November 6, 2022

Pictures of the Gospel (Part 1): Baptism

Speaker: Tim Paulding Series: Pictures of the Gospel (The Ordinances of the Church) Topic: Baptism Passage: Acts 2:22–42, Matthew 28:18–20

October 30, 2022

Jesus’ First Disciples

Speaker: Tim Paulding Series: The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe Topic: Discipleship Passage: John 1:35–42

September 18, 2022

God’s Witness to the Light

Speaker: Tim Paulding Series: The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe Topic: The Gospel, Salvation, Light Passage: John 1:6–9, John 1:19–34

September 11, 2022

The Creating, Saving, Revealing Word

Speaker: Tim Paulding Series: The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe Topic: The Deity of Christ, The Gospel, Salvation, Preeminence of Christ Passage: John 1:3–5, Genesis 1:1–5, Genesis 1:26– 2:3

February 6, 2022

Grace on Display

Speaker: Tim Paulding Series: Guest Topic: God's Grace Passage: Titus 2:11–14

January 30, 2022

Grace and Peace

Speaker: Scott Burdett Series: Philippians: Living Worthy of the Gospel Topic: God's Grace, God's Peace Passage: Philippians 1:1–2,

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