
Being a People of the Truth

August 25, 2024 Speaker: Tim Paulding Series: What is Man?

Topic: Truth, What is Man?

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Being People of the Truth (John 18:37–38a, and various)


John 14:6 (1:14, 18)

John 10:27–28

John 18:37–38a 


1) Jesus is the Truth—He came “to testify of the truth”

John 2:24–25

Ps 139:1, 2, 7–10 

John 1:1, 2, 3 (Gen 1:1)

Isa 46:9–11

Num 23:19; 1 Sam 15:29; Tit 1:1–2

Prov 12:17, 19

Acts 26:24–25

Tit 1:12–14

John 8:43–47 (cf. Gen 3:1)

1 John 2:21


2) People of the Truth—“Whoever is of the truth hears My voice”

Exod 34:6; Ps 25:10

Ps 40:9–10

John 8:31–32

Rom 2:5–8

1 Cor 13:6; Eph 4:15 (cf. 1 Tim 3:15)

2 Cor 13:5–8


3) Suppressors of the Truth—“What is truth?”

Rom 1:18, 19–20 (cf. Ps 19:1–2)

Rom 1:20–29

Rom 1:16–17

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